Tuesday, September 1, 2009

300 - Day 34 - Revenge of the Floor Wipers

So I went down to the gym with the following workout in mind:

50 Floor Wipers
50 Burpees
50 Hanging Leg Raises
50 Push-ups

My goal of course is to strengthen my floor wipers, as they were noted as one of my weak movements in the 300 workout. I had put these at the beginning, because I know they are relatively daunting and I didn't want to be too fatigued, as I am still working on these.

However, I got to the gym and performed my warm-up - and finished just after someone started their squats. No biggie - to prevent delaying my workout and wasting precious time, I swapped around the Hanging Leg Raises and the Floor Wipers.

Really, I think this ended up being a good thing, as during 300, the Floor Wipers are toward the beginning of the second half of the workout.

I ended up completing this exercise as follows:

HLR - 16, 9, 10, 10, 5 reps (5 sets)
B - 16, 10, 12, 8, 4 reps (5 sets)
FW - 15, 15, 12, 8 reps (4 sets!!)
PU - 50 (1 set)

Obviously, push-up is still a strong suit for me - though I must admit, that last push-up was tough.

I learned that Burpees are killer. Really killer. I want to start incorporating these more often - especially into my home/bodyweight exercises. I may even work them in with my box jumps (Burpee w/ jump onto 24" box.. Impossible? We'll see!)

Before this workout, I warmed up with the following:
1000m row
10 push-ups
20 sit-ups
10 pull-ups
20 squats

This one was sweat inducing for sure.

Just for my own personal note, I would like to have the following exercises worked into my at-home routine:
Box jumps
Handstand push-ups
Static holds (Hand Stands, Frog Stance, L-sits (one legged until I strengthen this), etc. - I think I should invest in some PVC piping to build some paralettes)
Pistol Squats
400m sprints

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