Wednesday, September 16, 2009

300 - Day 51

So the main site didn't have a workout that invloves the back at all today. But that's only because it didn't have a workout at all.

My back was just sore enough (along with my glutes - but thats a good sore, indicating progress!) that I decided not to do Fran today. So instead I decided to use a modification on a WOD from the main site that had intrigued me.

For my upcoming APFT (Army Physical Fitness Test), I know that my weak event is the sit-up. The main site had sets of 50,40,30,20,10 of Sit-ups and Double-Unders for time.

If I was going to do a workout like that, I might as well do it at home, since I have all the equipment (jump rope and a place to stick my feet). So I modified and changed out the double unders for 500m Rows for time. This ended up being a gut wrenching little workout. It's nice, because it didn't take a real long time (I didn't time it, but it was fairly short), but I could really feel it.

The warm-up:
1/2 mile run - 5:03 (nice and easy)
20 push-ups
10 sit-ups
15 dips
15 squats
10 pull-ups

The workout:
50 sit-ups
500m row - 1:57
40 sit-ups
500m row - 1:58.8
30 sit-ups
500m row - 1:55
20 sit-ups
500m row - 1:47.7
10 sit-ups
500m row - 1:48

I paced myself on the row at first because my abs were on fire and didn't want to over-do it - but getting toward the end, I knew that I could push it more, so I did. My abs are still burning from this workout - and I finished about 1hr 45min ago.

The back doesn't hurt much at all now - so tomorrow its Fran. I'll make up my run tonight or tomorrow after Fran - though, I'm thinking probably tomorrow, as Fran should be a short workout. I may also supplement with some rowing, or something else.

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