Tuesday, September 15, 2009

30 - Days 46 to 50 - Slacking

So I was away for the weekend (starting Friday) for reserve drill - and since we were in the field all weekend, as suspected, I didn't get in my planned workouts. Luckily, I did have a couple rest days planned (46 & 48) and only 2 workouts planned for the weekend that I missed.

The original plan to make them up was that on Monday (day 49) I would make up both workouts and then I would do Fran today (day 50). Unfortunately, I did hurt my back just a little bit - no doubt some bad form on the sumo dead lift high pulls. Just some soreness with certain movements - think I arched my back instead of popping my hips on the last set of sumos, but did finish off my workout.

So for day 49, I warmed up as follows:
800m run
20 push-ups
35 sit-ups
20 dips
20 squats

I then did my 12, 9, 6 as follows:

Sumo - 95#
Thruster - 95#

Sumo - 115#
Thruster - 115#

Sumo - 135#
Thruster - 135#

And finally a 800m jog cool down.
I didn't end up doing the run in the evening, because I got home a bit later than usual.
I also didn't do Fran today, for one because of the sore back - for two because Fran consists of thrusters and pull-ups - just like the workout I had done yesterday - so either way, I figured it was a good workout to skip (for now). If my back is still sore tomorrow I'll take a look at the WOD on the main site and see if the WOD skips the back (rare - but it happens!). If so, I'll do that tomorrow and then do Fran on Thursday (day 52). Otherwise, I'll make something up tomorrow. If the back feels good, I'll do Fran and then catch up on my mile TT + 1/4 mile repeats.

On that note, I thought it was funny that the day I had my 1 mile TT + 1/4 mile repeats planned, the crossfitendurance.com site had basically the same workout on their site.

I had planned: 1600m TT, followed by 4X400m repeats, with 25 KB swings between repeats.

They had: 1600m TT, a 3 minute rest, then 3x400m repeats on pace with the 1600m TT with 30 second rest between - deviate more than 2 seconds off the pace and do max burpees for a minute for each foul at the end of the workout, 2 minute rest between.

Not exactly identical, but pretty similar. I think they stole my idea. Or at least that's what I'll tell myself, despite that the visitor stats on this blog essentially prove otherwise.

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