Wednesday, September 23, 2009

300 - Day 58 - MR Bench, Pull-Up, Squat

The WOD of the main site today was five rounds for max reps of:
Body weight bench press
Body weight back squat

Which is great - I've been looking to do some bench and squats.
My shoulders and wrists were already sore from the last two days - shoulders fatigued and wrists being stretched beyond their usual capacity in the front squat rack position from the presses two days ago and even the front squats on day 53.

I warmed up with a nice slow 1000m at 4:26 and then completed 3 rounds of the following:
10 push-ups
15 sit-ups
10 dips
15 squats

I then did a good amount of stretching, as I knew I had a good workout ahead of me. I stacked 185 on the bar in the bench press rack, because I usually weigh in between 180 and 185. My previous MR (max reps) for this weight was 12 reps.

I completed the following

Bench Press - 13(PR)-10-8-8-6
Pull-ups - 16-13-11-10-10
Squats - 25-25-24-20-20

In case you can't tell by the reps on the squats for the first 3 sets, I probably could have done more during the first two - but I was flying blind getting the bar back to the rack and working without a spotter. Of course, the squat also presented a problem, having only one bar available, I had to complete the BP and then remove the weights so I could get the bar up to the squat starting position and re-load the weight - and then repeat in the opposite direction. This gave me some rest, but was a pain. I could have opted to use the smith machine for the squats, but I didn't think that seemed ideal. So I waded through.

I tried to get the bar during the squat in the correct position, which from what I can tell is lower down on the back than actually on the shoulders. This created some extremely uncomfortable wrist positioning for me - enough that on my last set, I put the bar back up on my shoulders and used a squatting pad.

Either way - my totals were 45 body weight bench presses, 60 pull-ups and 114 squats - total 219. Thats pretty good - again, from what I can tell - though, judging by the score posts in response to this WOD on the site, it looks like I need to work on my pull-ups, which what I thought I was pretty good at. I might have to start upping my pull-ups during my warm-up.

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