Tuesday, September 22, 2009

300 - Day 57 - WOD + CFE WOD

The main site WOD was yet again a routine that I could do - Dead Lifts: 1-1-1-1-1-1-1

Crossfit Endurance (CFE) had a rest day, but since this was a simple WOD, I decided to throw in yesterday's CFE WOD, since today's WOD was short enough that I could go into work a 1/2 hour early and get it out of the way and then toss in the CFE WOD at lunch.

So I left for work a 1/2 hour early today and hit the gym for some Dead Lifts. I had a light warm-up, since it was a short workout and since I would do another later in the day. I warmed up with:
500m row
10 push ups
10 sit ups
10 pull ups
10 squats

I then moved into my Dead Lifts and progressed as follows:

My previous max dead lift was 315 - so I gained 20 on that today.

I then took about a 6 hour break and went to work. Took my lunch break and went into the CFE WOD.
The Rx'd workout was the concept 2 rower, 10x250m all out, resting 5 times as long as it takes to row the 250m.

I only ended up doing 8 reps, because the workout was taking too long. I warmed up with:
800m run (4:53)
10 push ups
10 sit ups
5 pull ups
10 squats
10 dips

My times were as follows:
Time: Rest:
----- -----
43.2s 3:35
44.2s 3:40
45.4s 3:45
47.6s 3:55
48.7s 4:00
48.6s 4:00
47.6s 3:55
48.0s 4:00

Total for 2000m: 6m 13.3s

I cut most of my rest times down to 3:30 or so, because as I mentioned, I was running short on time - so the rest column was more like the calculated rest time.

My shoulders and upper back are burning now - between a 100% shoulder routine yesterday and these two workouts. I can't wait to see what tomorrow brings.

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