Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Day 35 - 5 weeks down (schedule)

Today's workout: Jackie.

I warmed up with:
800m jog
20 Push-ups
20 sit-ups
15 squats
10 dips

Followed by some light stretching. Jackie really doesn't sound tough - 1000m row, 50x45# Thrusters, 30 Pull-ups. Jackie is deceiving though. I didn't realize it until I looked it up afterward, but to do Jackie as Rx'd, you should complete the pull-ups "CTB". I thought this meant "Chin-to-bar", but it actually meant "Chest-To-Bar". Had I done this, I probably would have been a bit slower - but I probably also would have wanted to do kipping pull-ups.

Anyway, here is how I weighed in:
Exercise - Completion time (total) - Reps for each set
1000m Row - 3:37 - N/A
50 45# Thrusters - 7:03 - 20, 15, 15
30 Pull-ups - 9:54 - 10, 7, 5, 4, 3

So my finish time was 9:54 - but not quite as rx'd. That reminds me that I have to work on kipping pull-up form. I'll have to work that in.

Week 6 schedule:
Day 36 - REST
Day 37 - Bench Press (bodyweight), Dips, Push-ups - 12,9,6
Day 38 - 1 mile time trial, 2x800m run
Day 39 - Home workout - Static holds, Pistol Squats, Box Jumps, Hand stand push-ups
Day 40 - Bike/Run (longer distance)
Day 41 - REST
Day 42 - 2000m Row Time trial; Kipping pull-up practice; dips

Week 7 schedule:
Day 43 - Squats, Dead Lifts, Dumbbell Bench Press - 12, 9, 6
Day 44 - L-Pull-ups, Floor Wipers, Captain's Chairs
Day 45 - Sumo Dead lift High Pull, Thrusters, Pull-ups (kipping) - 12, 9, 6
Day 46 - REST
Day 47 - 1 mile Run Time Trail; 4x400m alternated with 25 KB swings (30#)
Day 48 - REST
Day 49 - Fran

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