Friday, August 21, 2009

300 - Days 22, 23 and 24

My schedule for the week of Day 22:

Day 22 - REST
Day 23 - REST
Day 24 - Core Emphasis - Overhead Squats, Hanging Leg Raises, Barbell Thrusters, L-Sits and Exercise-Ball Back Extensions
Day 25 - AM Run
Day 26 - Either Crossfit321 or gymnastic style strength conditioning - work on obtaining moves such as the planche, l-sits, hand-stand push-ups, etc. - moves such as the frog stance, wall planche, modified push-ups, uni-lateral bodyweight training, etc.
Day 27 - 5000m Row
Day 28 - Cindy

I did my day 24 workout today.

I started with my warm-up routine:
800m Row - 3:18.1
20 push-ups
20 sit-ups
10 pull-ups
20 bodyweight squats
15 seconds of Samson Stretches, each leg

I then did the following exercises:

Overhead Squats - 95#, 95#, 115# - 10 reps each
Hanging Leg Raises - 3x10
Barbell Thrusters 95# 3x10
L-sits - 3x 15 seconds (this is tough, by the way!)
Exercise-Ball Back Extensions - 10, 12, 10 reps

My other goals for the weekend are to:
1) Finish my jumping box (almost done)
2) Weeks 5 and 6 workout schedule

I'll post back tomorrow.

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