Thursday, August 6, 2009

300 - Day 9

Here are the results from today's workout:

Warm-Up - 1/2mi (800m) jog - 5:04

Main Event:

500m Row - 1:41.5
Pull-Ups - 8
500m Row - 1:51
Pull-Ups - 6
500m Row - 1:52
Pull-Ups - 5
500m Row - 1:57.2
Pull-Ups - 3

Cool-down - 1/4mi (400m) - 3:23

I finished the entire event in 15:15, which included unbuckling my feet from the Concept 2 rower, moving between events, etc. My split (half way) came in at between 5-6 minutes.

The row totals at 7:21.7, so between Pull-Ups and resting in between, there's 7:38.3. This included drinking water (I wish I'd done more throughout the day prior to starting!) and recording my scores for the events. I don't think I can account for much more than 2 minutes with my pull-ups - which gives me at least 5 and a half minutes of rest time for this workout. A lot more than I had hoped for - but I guess that means it was a good workout.

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