Saturday, August 22, 2009

300 - Day 25

I ran today. It's the first time I've run any type of distance since I began the new program. I only ran 3.5 miles - but it was really a lot harder than I thought it should have been. It may have been the heat and humidity; or it could have been the fact that I haven't run anything over 1 mile in about a month; but most likely it was because my thighs were still burning from previous day's workout.

I'm actually a little surprised at how sore 30 squats and 30 thrusters made me. Not to mention my abdominals are sore too - and my shoulders. Surprising because I thought I had planned a less than maximally effective workout when it was over. It wasn't easy, I guess - the movements themselves were largely difficult - but at the end of it, I didn't really feel like I accomplished too much.

But I could tell differently today about 1 mile out on the run. I really wanted to walk about 2 miles in - but I ended up going 3.5.

I started out warming up by running to the bike trail near my house. This is about .6 miles or about 1 kilometer. There is a small playground right near the beginning of the the bike trail, so I used the support bars for the slide to do pull-ups, and a bench to do my "box jumps". The warm-up:

1km Run
10 Pull-ups
10 box-jumps
20 push-ups
15 seconds Samson Stretch for each leg

Followed by a 3.5 mile run in the beating heat, which I didn't time. It wasn't really fast, because as I said, my thighs were burning - but it was a good run. A nice easy day, despite that it made my thighs burn more than they already had.

Of course, my run was followed with another 1km cool-down back home after about a half mile walk. All in all with the warm-up and cool-down, the run was close to 5 miles total. I don't see any reason not to work one of these in every 2-3 weeks, instead of just doing short distance - probably not the day after a workout that ends up busting my legs up though.

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