Saturday, August 8, 2009

300 - Day 11

So today I made up Day 10's workout, since I took that day off. I didn't have my plan with me, but I knew I had planned for Barbell Thrusters and Dead Lifts.

I learned that, at least for now, I probably ought to do my Barbell Thrusters (BT) with less weight than I used for the Dead Lifts (DL). I alternated sets of BTs and DLs using the same weight - 135#. I was working informally without really recording anything (I didn't even count the BTs - I was just working on getting my form right) - but I did complete 25 repetitions for my first 2 sets of DLs - getting me half way to my goal of all 50 in one set.

All in all, I did approximately the following:

BT - 10
DL - 25
BT - 8
DL - 25
BT - 4
DL - 18

I have to admit, I didn't put as much into this one as I usually do - in fact, its quite possible that I may have done this exercise during an intermission between a couple of movies while hanging out after drill - after already having a couple brewskys in me. Just a couple though. I'll make up for it.

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