Thursday, May 17, 2012
5/17/2012 - "The Chief"
5-17-12 WOD
“The Chief”
Max rounds in 3 minutes of:
3 power cleans 135/95
6 Push-ups
9 Squats
Rest 1 minute. Repeat for a total of 5 cycles.
Post rounds completed for each of the 5 cycles
First time ever doing The Chief. We did hand-release push-ups - a little unorthodox, but I'll take it!
Cycle 1: 5 Rounds + 3 reps (93)
Cycle 2: 4 Rounds + 10 reps (82)
Cycle 3: 4 Rounds (72)
Cycle 4: 4 Rounds (72)
Cycle 5: 4 Rounds + 3 reps (75)
Total: 494 reps
Definitely didn't live up to the expectations I set for myself after watching Bionic do this - but an honest first effort!
5/12/2012 - CrossFit321 Fitness Fair
Went to CrossFit 321 for their fitness fair to raise money for Regionals. Competed in 4 workouts:
"Fran" 21-15-9 Thrusters (95#)/Pull-ups
4:02 - 1st place
Max Push-Ups in 2 minutes (hand release)
66 - Not sure what place I got here.. no better than 4th. This was just a few minutes after Fran.
Max Height Box Jump
49 inches - 3rd place - first place got 62.5 inches!
About 2 minutes later:
"Grace" 30 Clean and Jerk for time, 135#
First Grace ever - this hurt after Fran, and the rest of it.
Awesome day, but man did it hurt!
amrap in 30 minutes of
400 meter run
10 burpees
20 kb swings 53/35
30 double-unders
5 Rounds
5-10-12 wod
press 5 @ 65% - 5 @ 75% - amrap @ 85%
5@105, 5@120, 7@135
15 minute amrap of
1000 meter row then
10 push press 115/85
10 pull-ups
10 push press
10 pull-ups
5 Rounds + 16 Reps
5/9/2012 - DeadLift, squat, tabata squat
5-9-12 wod
Missed my chance to find 1RM for DeadLift last week - so came in early and made it up:
Pre-Workout - Find 1RM Deadlift
5@245, 3@335, 1@415, 1@435 (previous 1RM), 1@455, 1@475#, 495 Fail
back squat 5 @ 65% - 5 @ 75% - amrap @ 85%
5@260, 5@300, 5@340
front squat 10-10-10
10@135, 10@155, 10@200
tabata squats
*8 rounds
**lowest round = score
20 reps (every round)
5/8/2012 - Turkish Get-Ups
5-8-12 WOD
Skill - Turkish get-up practice
skill - One Arm Kettlebell Snatch practice
10 minute AMRAP:
50 Kettlebell Swings - buy in
10 Turkish Get-ups (alternate arms)
10 Kettlebell Snatches (alternate arms)
10 Turkish Get-ups
10 Kettlebell Snatches
70# KB (all 50 KB swings)
9 TGU (+1@53)
4 Snatch (+6@53)
5/7/2012 - Kelly
5-7-12 wod
5 rounds for time of.
400 meter run
30 box jumps 24/20
30 wall balls 20/14
*40 minute time cap
Monday, April 30, 2012
4-30-2012 - Sprint!
Yay, finally something I'm good at - a "sprint" workout - that is to say, a fast and furious workout.
Find Back Squat 1RM
3 rounds for time of (15 minute time cap)
400 meter Run
50 Air Squats
Back squat: I worked my way up to 445#, with a coach verifying that I hit proper depth. I didn't bother trying heavier, as everyone else was already done. Maybe could have gone heavier, but I might have sacrificed depth.
My final time on the workout was 9:10. I didn't keep track of my splits, so I'm unsure what the individual 400s and squats looked like.
In favor of sprint week, I'm really hoping tomorrow looks like:
Find 1RM Bench Press
A guy can dream, right?
4-27-2012 - 30 Min AMRAP part III
Anybody else getting tired/sore yet?
30 min AMRAP:
Run 1600 meters
30 wall balls
Run 1200 meters
60 wall balls
Run 800 meters
90 wall balls
Run 400 meters
Max wall balls if anyone makes it this far.
First 1600m (1 mile) was done in ~6:45.
I finished the first 30 wall balls in about 2 minutes, including walk time from the door, this put me at just under 9 minutes.
Next 1200m, ~5:00 - dropped my speed a bit.. but the wallballs were even slower - about 6 minutes there.
800m, ~4:00
With the last 6 minutes, I pumped out 60 more wall balls, but that was all I had.
Final score: 150 wall balls
4-26-2012 30 Min AMRAP II
30 min AMRAP
2000 meter Row
30 Burpees
1 Kettle bell swing 53/35 pounds
1 Knees to Elbows
2 Kettle bell swings
2 Knees to Elbows
3 Kettle bell swings
3 Knees to Elbows
and so on…
I made it to, and completed exactly 12 rounds, for a grand total of:
2000m Row
30 Burpees
78 KB Swings @53#
78 Knees to Elbows
Wednesday, April 25, 2012
4-25-2012 - 30 minute AMRAP
4-25-12 WOD
30 minute AMRAP:
Run 400 meters
3 rounds of “Cindy”
Run 400 meters
3 rounds of “Cindy”
Continue on until time expires…
This WOD was a good idea. Next time this comes up (if it does) I might do it with a vest, as, honestly I'm not sure how much faster you can get on something like this. I pretty much bet on 6 rounds - ~2min for the 400m and 1 min per Cindy round, a total of 5 minutes per round. This was pretty accurate for the first 3 - though, I went from about 4:30 on the first one to the point where round 3 was just ahead of 15 minutes. Round 4 was slow though - too much rest during the Cindy portion. I finished with just over 8:30 left on the clock. I finished round 5 at about 2:00, and really kicked in that last 400m, finishing with just enough time to pull 5 more pull-ups out before the time was up.
Score: 5 rounds + 400m + 5 pull-ups
Good workout. I can see getting this to 6 rounds with some more training. Really gotta work on running those 400m intervals faster without gassing myself.
4-23-12 WOD
One arm dumbbell snatch 10-10-10 (each arm)
Dips 10-10-10 (weighted if possible)
3 rounds for max reps:
1 minute Push press 45/33
1 minute Air squats
1 minute Sit-up
1 minute Ball slams
1 minute of Burpees
1 minute rest
I only used a 35# dumbbell for the snatches - I'm still working on technique there.
For the dips, I did these on rings with a 20# vest all the way through.
I ended up finishing this workout with 364 reps.
The strategy, as recommended by the trainer, was basically work 50 seconds and rest 10 for each exercise, to prevent burning out.
Round 1 - 137 - about 37 push presses, and 43 squats for this round - the other 57 came from the other 3 movements, probably 15 or so burpees.
Round 2 was far worse - about 106 reps. I was burned out, despite the strategy - but persevered regardless. Dropped to 27 push press reps, and 30-35 squats - but towards the end of the squats. I actually made up some reps on the ball slams this time, but my burpees and sit-ups were worse as well.
Round 3 was better - I had a strategy change. I realized that I had 2 strong movements, and 1 particularly weak one (burpees). So I decided to decrease my rest on the push press to 5 seconds (just enough time to put the bar down, and set-up for the squats. I did the same on the squats going into the sit-ups. The sit-ups I finished at my usual 50 second mark. Wall balls, I decided to push all the way through, and then rest the first 10 seconds of burpees, as I was sure I would get more reps that way. The strategy ended up working - despite only 10 or so burpees, I ended up with 121 reps to finish the 3rd round.
4-20-2012 - White
Five rounds of
3 Rope ascents
10 Toes to bar
21 Overhead walking lunges 45/25
Run 400 meters
I still need to work on my rope climbing technique. It's not particularly impressive, and slows me down a little - but I still did pretty well, posting the 5th fastest time of the day - but I was still like 9 minutes behind the number one spot (granted, only 2 minutes behind the #2 spot)
I need to look my time back up.
4-19-2012 - Morrison
Dead-lift 5 @ 75% – 3 @ 85% – AMRAP @ 95%
50-40-30-20 and 10 Rep Rounds of
Wall ball 20/14
Box jump 24/20
Kettle bell swing 53/35
I tried to be smart on this one and do reps of 10 all the way through (okay, I may have started with 25 wall balls, followed by sets of 10). I think it helped, but wasn't fool-proof. I still ended up wanting to quit, because my lower back was so tight from the KB swings - but you can't quit on a hero WOD, so I finished.
Time? I'll have to look, will post later.
4-18-2012 - Gator
Bench Press 5 @ 75% – 3 @ 85% – AMRAP @ 95%
5@205 - 3@225 - 6@245
Strict Pull-ups 3-3-3-3 (weighted if possible)
3@45 - 3@55x3
8 rounds for time of
5 Front Squats 185/115
26 Ring Push-ups
Another hero workout. As usual performed as Rx'd.
This one was tough. I did the first set of ring push-ups unbroken (all the squats were unbroken), but I think probably about the 23rd one or so, I realized that was going to be a problem, as my I could already feel my chest screaming. Probably didn't help that I hit 6 reps on 245# on the bench, followed by heavy pull-ups.
Second round was 15 reps, followed by smaller and smaller sets.
By the last round, my last 10 ring pull-ups were done in sets of 1; and I never hit higher than 3 reps.
This was a week ago - and I still have rope burns on my arms from this workout - note to self, wear something on you arms next time.
4-17-2012 - Michael
Back squat 5 @ 75% – 3 @ 85% – AMRAP @ 95%
3 Rounds for time of
Run 800 meters
50 Back extensions
50 Sit-ups
I'll need to review my time on this one - I don't remember!
4-16-2012 - Hero Week
I'm keeping track a week behind here, so I already know how the week went. It was awful. In a good way.
Every day of the week was a Hero workout (of one form or another). Today's was not a sanctioned hero workout - but right on par. I believe it was made up by the coach, but named after a hero:
"The Paul Revere"
Shoulder Press 5 @ 75% – 3 @ 85% – AMRAP @ 95%
Run 400 meters
26 Pull-ups
Run 400 meters
26 Burpees
Run 400 meters
26 Overhead Walking or Alternating Lunges 45/25
Run 400 meters
26 Dumbbell Push Press 45/25
Run 400 meters
26 Knees To Elbows
Run 400 meters
260 Double-unders
*one of the 400 meters must be run carrying a sand bag 40/20. Weight vest may be used if need be.
**30 minute time cap
I finished 26 double-unders before the 30 minute time cap.
I made the decision to carry the sand bag on the 2nd 400, just before the burpees. It seemed that everything except burpees required shoulder work, so I didn't want to stress my shoulder before any other workout.
I got off to a good start - everyone else wanted to get the sandbag out of the way, so I had a quick first 400m compared to everyone else. I actually finished the pull-ups (unbroken) just as the rest of the gang was coming in the door. I grabbed a sandbag and headed out the door while they worked on their pull-ups. By the time I had 15 burpees done, everyone else was getting back from their 2nd 400 - so I still had a good lead. I finished up my burpees and ran back out the door. I got back and was half done with my lunges when everyone else got in; I was confident I had this in the bag (ok - not so confident about double-unders).
I got 13 Knees To Elbows done when the person chasing me came in the door. She looked at the board to see what the next exercise was - just as I was getting ready to get back on the bar. She grabbed dumbbells and started doing push press. I realized I'd gone out of order. So I dropped off the bar and started my push presses as well - but that was a mistake I wasn't recovering from. I think I was 3rd out the door after the pushpress, and then came back in and did my 26 knees to elbows - still 3rd. I finished up my last 400m with the pack, and started my Double Unders with 1 minute to go. I only finished 26 before my time ran out.
Lesson learned: it takes less time to review the board than to "no-rep".
Wednesday, April 11, 2012
4-11-12 WOD
Back squat 3 @ 70% – 3 @ 80% – AMRAP @ 90%
Front squat 5-5-5
*attempt 5-10% heavier than last weeks front squat if possible
20 min. AMRAP
500 meter Row
Front squat 135/95 pounds, 10 reps(no racks if rx)
Back squat - 3@300, 3@340, 7@385#
Looks like my squat is going down (though, maybe my legs are just still tired!), as last time I did 405, I hit 7 reps. Perhaps it was the depth of my squats though, which I made sure was very deep.
Front Squat: 5@135, 5@185, 5@245
I moved into the MetCon pretty confident. I was really hoping for 8 rounds - but looking at the board, the highest score was 6 rounds + finished the row.
I kept my first row at about a 1:55 - I figured 7 rounds @ 2:00 is 14 minutes, so that gives me 6 minutes for 70 front squats. I moved into the squats, and finished all 10 unbroken. Got back to my rower, and kept up the pace pretty well - basically a repeat of round 1. Round 3, when I got off the rower, I had about 11:50 left on the clock - so I was basically just ahead of pace for 6 rounds (definitely not hitting 8!), but the squats were still unbroken. Round 4 I started slowing down, I think my row slowed to about a 2:00-2:05, but squats were still unbroken (insofar as I didn't put the bar down - I had some brief pauses in the rack position). Round 5, was about 2:05 on the row - but still unbroken on the front squats with some struggle. I started round 6 with 4 minutes on the clock, finishing in 2:10 and having only 1:50 on the clock. This time I did not go unbroken on my squats - I finished the first 5 before there was only 1 minute left, and managed to muscle 2 more out, but then I had to put the bar down and rest. I managed to finish off the last 3 with 20 seconds left, and managed to pull out about 40 meters before my time was up - I didn't bother strapping my feet in, I just rowed.
This was the second best (Rx'd) performance of the day, so I was pretty psyched :)
Back squat 3 @ 70% – 3 @ 80% – AMRAP @ 90%
Front squat 5-5-5
*attempt 5-10% heavier than last weeks front squat if possible
20 min. AMRAP
500 meter Row
Front squat 135/95 pounds, 10 reps(no racks if rx)
Back squat - 3@300, 3@340, 7@385#
Looks like my squat is going down (though, maybe my legs are just still tired!), as last time I did 405, I hit 7 reps. Perhaps it was the depth of my squats though, which I made sure was very deep.
Front Squat: 5@135, 5@185, 5@245
I moved into the MetCon pretty confident. I was really hoping for 8 rounds - but looking at the board, the highest score was 6 rounds + finished the row.
I kept my first row at about a 1:55 - I figured 7 rounds @ 2:00 is 14 minutes, so that gives me 6 minutes for 70 front squats. I moved into the squats, and finished all 10 unbroken. Got back to my rower, and kept up the pace pretty well - basically a repeat of round 1. Round 3, when I got off the rower, I had about 11:50 left on the clock - so I was basically just ahead of pace for 6 rounds (definitely not hitting 8!), but the squats were still unbroken. Round 4 I started slowing down, I think my row slowed to about a 2:00-2:05, but squats were still unbroken (insofar as I didn't put the bar down - I had some brief pauses in the rack position). Round 5, was about 2:05 on the row - but still unbroken on the front squats with some struggle. I started round 6 with 4 minutes on the clock, finishing in 2:10 and having only 1:50 on the clock. This time I did not go unbroken on my squats - I finished the first 5 before there was only 1 minute left, and managed to muscle 2 more out, but then I had to put the bar down and rest. I managed to finish off the last 3 with 20 seconds left, and managed to pull out about 40 meters before my time was up - I didn't bother strapping my feet in, I just rowed.
This was the second best (Rx'd) performance of the day, so I was pretty psyched :)
Back Squats,
Front Squat
4-9-12 WOD
Dead-lift 3 @ 70% – 3 @ 80% – AMRAP @ 90%
MetCon for time:
120 Double-unders
100 Air squats
80 Sit-ups
60 Box jumps 24/20
40 Kettle bell swings 53/35
20 Thrusters 95/65
It turns out my Dead-Lift may be much higher than it was - despite that I haven't really been dead-lifting. The last time I did a dead-lift au naturale (no belt, no straps/hooks, etc.) I pulled 435# - though I think I pulled it for 2 reps. Otherwise, the most I have pulled WITH hooks is 465#. So, I calculated my reps based on 455#.
3@285, 3@325, AMRAP@375# My calculation on that last set was actually 368 - I had rounded to 370 - but when I got to my last set, there were no 2.5# plates to be found, so I figured "Okay, I'll round up and go heavy today." Apparently not.
After grunting my way to the end of my set, I put the bar down in a controlled manner (despite what some people think, CrossFitters don't always drop the bar!). The trainer asked me "How many was that Nate?", to which I replied "14".
"You didn't use enough weight, how much was that?"
2x =-O
"Let me look at the chart.. wait, it doesn't go that high"
Long story short, it turns out I should be pulling upward of 530# based on that.. though that depends on the calculator you use, some favor high reps more (one calculator suggests 585# for a max). I personally think 5-8 reps is the best to use for this calculation, 4 being too low, and some calculators go artificially high with higher reps.
Long story short, it seems my dead-lift has gone up - can't wait to test this out soon.
So, legs like Jello from 14 heavy dead-lifts, I moved into the torturous workout. I started out pretty good on the double-unders, which I finished in about 3 minutes. I was doing about sets of 20 at a time before messing it up, for the first half - then it got messy from there. I moved into squats not near the front of the pack (actually, quite close to the back). These hurt - 10 in the first set and my legs were burning. I eventually made it through, and moved on to sit-ups. I made it through these without much in the way of stopping, so this was more or less a nice "rest". Box jumps were not so much of a rest. 60 box jumps in a row? I remember when 50 was an achievement fresh.. but 60 after dead-lifts, and squats, and winded from double unders? Ouch. I made it through 10 before my lungs lit on fire, pretty much literally.. but I fought through. Kettlebells weren't any nicer by any means. I think I got 12 in before stopping, and then got 8 more to finish the first 20. After that was a bit slower, and I think my last set I barely pulled out 3 to finish off.
Thrusters were the worst though. This was actually mostly due to my elbow, which didn't feel good (thinking there was some tendinitis flare up the day before, as my joints were really inflamed). I got through like 5 before my elbow protested. I gave it some rest, and 6 or so sets later, I finished up, exhausted.
Final time was (I think) 24:08.
Dead-lift 3 @ 70% – 3 @ 80% – AMRAP @ 90%
MetCon for time:
120 Double-unders
100 Air squats
80 Sit-ups
60 Box jumps 24/20
40 Kettle bell swings 53/35
20 Thrusters 95/65
It turns out my Dead-Lift may be much higher than it was - despite that I haven't really been dead-lifting. The last time I did a dead-lift au naturale (no belt, no straps/hooks, etc.) I pulled 435# - though I think I pulled it for 2 reps. Otherwise, the most I have pulled WITH hooks is 465#. So, I calculated my reps based on 455#.
3@285, 3@325, AMRAP@375# My calculation on that last set was actually 368 - I had rounded to 370 - but when I got to my last set, there were no 2.5# plates to be found, so I figured "Okay, I'll round up and go heavy today." Apparently not.
After grunting my way to the end of my set, I put the bar down in a controlled manner (despite what some people think, CrossFitters don't always drop the bar!). The trainer asked me "How many was that Nate?", to which I replied "14".
"You didn't use enough weight, how much was that?"
2x =-O
"Let me look at the chart.. wait, it doesn't go that high"
Long story short, it turns out I should be pulling upward of 530# based on that.. though that depends on the calculator you use, some favor high reps more (one calculator suggests 585# for a max). I personally think 5-8 reps is the best to use for this calculation, 4 being too low, and some calculators go artificially high with higher reps.
Long story short, it seems my dead-lift has gone up - can't wait to test this out soon.
So, legs like Jello from 14 heavy dead-lifts, I moved into the torturous workout. I started out pretty good on the double-unders, which I finished in about 3 minutes. I was doing about sets of 20 at a time before messing it up, for the first half - then it got messy from there. I moved into squats not near the front of the pack (actually, quite close to the back). These hurt - 10 in the first set and my legs were burning. I eventually made it through, and moved on to sit-ups. I made it through these without much in the way of stopping, so this was more or less a nice "rest". Box jumps were not so much of a rest. 60 box jumps in a row? I remember when 50 was an achievement fresh.. but 60 after dead-lifts, and squats, and winded from double unders? Ouch. I made it through 10 before my lungs lit on fire, pretty much literally.. but I fought through. Kettlebells weren't any nicer by any means. I think I got 12 in before stopping, and then got 8 more to finish the first 20. After that was a bit slower, and I think my last set I barely pulled out 3 to finish off.
Thrusters were the worst though. This was actually mostly due to my elbow, which didn't feel good (thinking there was some tendinitis flare up the day before, as my joints were really inflamed). I got through like 5 before my elbow protested. I gave it some rest, and 6 or so sets later, I finished up, exhausted.
Final time was (I think) 24:08.
4/7/12 - *FREE* Saturday class at CrossFit 321
Went to the FREE Saturday class at CrossFit 321.
We did a team exercise - as a team it was AMRAP in 15 minutes of 90 pull-ups, 90 burpees, 90 sit-ups, and 90 squats - at the end of each round, 2 people had to run 400m while the rest of the team started - so we had to pick up the slack of those out running.
We got only 5 rounds in (which was about what everyone got), but I managed to do about 85 pull-ups, 70 burpees, 70 sit-ups, and 60 squats through picking up slack.
It was a good workout, and although I ripped a callous open, it was a nice more-or-less recovery day from the brutal workouts I had been doing - 5th workout this week at CrossFit 321.
We did a team exercise - as a team it was AMRAP in 15 minutes of 90 pull-ups, 90 burpees, 90 sit-ups, and 90 squats - at the end of each round, 2 people had to run 400m while the rest of the team started - so we had to pick up the slack of those out running.
We got only 5 rounds in (which was about what everyone got), but I managed to do about 85 pull-ups, 70 burpees, 70 sit-ups, and 60 squats through picking up slack.
It was a good workout, and although I ripped a callous open, it was a nice more-or-less recovery day from the brutal workouts I had been doing - 5th workout this week at CrossFit 321.
4/6/12 - "Jackie"
Front Squat 5-5-5 (go heavy, but not to failure. Place focus on coming up from the bottom quickly)
Bench Press 5 @ 65% – 5 @ 75% – AMRAP @ 85%
1000 meter Row
50 Thrusters 45/33
30 Pull-ups
For my Front Squats, I hit 135, 185 and 225# for 5 each.
Bench press was done 5@175, 5@205, and 6@235#. This was based on a 300# 1RM, but this set predicts only a 275# 1RM.
It's been a long time since I did Jackie September 1, 2009 and my time was 9:54.
Today I improved to 8:00. I started my row off not too aggressively, but definitely faster than the 5K pace that was suggested. I did the first 500m in 1:45, but then I slowed my pace and rested for the last 500m at a 1:55 pace, finishing at 3:50. For the thrusters, I ended up doing 3 sets - 25, 15, 10 - not much different from last time I did it, but probably with less rest, as this was done in about 2-2.5 minutes. The pull-ups were an improvement though - 15 butterfly to start, then about 6 more, followed by 2 regular kipping; and then I finished off the last 7 all kipping.
That's improvement! Even though my row was actually slower than the last time I did this, I finished the thrusters last time around with 7:09 on the clock, which is only 51 seconds than my total time this time around - so clearly a slower row is a better strategy, or my conditioning is better (or both!).
Front Squat 5-5-5 (go heavy, but not to failure. Place focus on coming up from the bottom quickly)
Bench Press 5 @ 65% – 5 @ 75% – AMRAP @ 85%
1000 meter Row
50 Thrusters 45/33
30 Pull-ups
For my Front Squats, I hit 135, 185 and 225# for 5 each.
Bench press was done 5@175, 5@205, and 6@235#. This was based on a 300# 1RM, but this set predicts only a 275# 1RM.
It's been a long time since I did Jackie September 1, 2009 and my time was 9:54.
Today I improved to 8:00. I started my row off not too aggressively, but definitely faster than the 5K pace that was suggested. I did the first 500m in 1:45, but then I slowed my pace and rested for the last 500m at a 1:55 pace, finishing at 3:50. For the thrusters, I ended up doing 3 sets - 25, 15, 10 - not much different from last time I did it, but probably with less rest, as this was done in about 2-2.5 minutes. The pull-ups were an improvement though - 15 butterfly to start, then about 6 more, followed by 2 regular kipping; and then I finished off the last 7 all kipping.
That's improvement! Even though my row was actually slower than the last time I did this, I finished the thrusters last time around with 7:09 on the clock, which is only 51 seconds than my total time this time around - so clearly a slower row is a better strategy, or my conditioning is better (or both!).
1000m row,
Front Squat,
improve pull-ups,
4/5/12 - "Jerry"
Sgt Major Jerry Dwayne Patton, 40, died on 15 October 2008 during High Altitude High Opening (HAHO) training while assigned to Army USSOCOM preparing for deployment to Afghanistan.
Jerry is survived by his wife Molly and his sons Chad, Cody, Chase and Connor.
dead-lift 5 @ 65% – 5 @ 75% – AMRAP @ 85%
Run 1 mile
Row 2000 meters
Run 1 mile
For Dead-Lift, I worked my way up to 350 for 10 reps.
Not my first time doing Jerry, but first time doing it without a treadmill - and first time doing it after a strength workout on the same day - so all new dynamic here. I couldn't find my last Jerry time.
My first mile was finished in about 7:40. Not really sure exactly what I was going for - nothing too impressive, but this was a little slower than I anticipated. The row was very tough after this, and I averaged a 2:05/500m the whole time, finishing at 8:20 (16 minutes on the clock). When I went back out for run, I could barely lift my legs! I definitely was off to a slow start, but I progressively got faster, and finished at 24:47, so my last mile was 8:47 - much slower than the first.
I now have something to try to beat next time. :)
Jerry is survived by his wife Molly and his sons Chad, Cody, Chase and Connor.
dead-lift 5 @ 65% – 5 @ 75% – AMRAP @ 85%
Run 1 mile
Row 2000 meters
Run 1 mile
For Dead-Lift, I worked my way up to 350 for 10 reps.
Not my first time doing Jerry, but first time doing it without a treadmill - and first time doing it after a strength workout on the same day - so all new dynamic here. I couldn't find my last Jerry time.
My first mile was finished in about 7:40. Not really sure exactly what I was going for - nothing too impressive, but this was a little slower than I anticipated. The row was very tough after this, and I averaged a 2:05/500m the whole time, finishing at 8:20 (16 minutes on the clock). When I went back out for run, I could barely lift my legs! I definitely was off to a slow start, but I progressively got faster, and finished at 24:47, so my last mile was 8:47 - much slower than the first.
I now have something to try to beat next time. :)
Wednesday, April 4, 2012
Today's WOD:
skill work - rope ascent
3 rounds for time.
run 800 meters
3 rope ascents
25 hand release push-ups
foam roll
I finished this workout in 20:05. I might have been able to get faster on the runs, and perhaps could have increased my pace if I used my legs on the first round of rope ascents, but I strong-armed the first 3 ascents. I tried this on the 2nd and 3rd and didn't make it, so I had to use my feet to assist - this also ended up hurting my 2nd and 3rd round of push-ups which I had to break up - the first set was done unbroken.
skill work - rope ascent
3 rounds for time.
run 800 meters
3 rope ascents
25 hand release push-ups
foam roll
I finished this workout in 20:05. I might have been able to get faster on the runs, and perhaps could have increased my pace if I used my legs on the first round of rope ascents, but I strong-armed the first 3 ascents. I tried this on the 2nd and 3rd and didn't make it, so I had to use my feet to assist - this also ended up hurting my 2nd and 3rd round of push-ups which I had to break up - the first set was done unbroken.
Tuesday, April 3, 2012
CrossFit 321 WOD:
Back squat 5 @ 65% – 5 @ 75% – AMRAP @ 85%
Shoulder Press 5 @ 65% – 5 @ 75% – AMRAP @ 85%
15 minute AMRAP:
10 Wall Balls 20/14 pounds
10 Toes to Bar
10 Box Jumps 24/20 inch
Squats were: 5x 295, 5x 345, 8x 395
Press: 5x115, 5x125, 4x135
Sucked it up on the MetCon. I started out fast - 2 rounds in under 2 minutes, with good kipping Toes To Bar. After that it went downhill. I officially recorded my score at 6 rounds plus 10. It might have been 7, but I think 6. I didn't start recording until round 3, and I'm just not sure if I crossed off just 1 and 2 at the end, or if I crossed off 1, 2 and 3. Either way, I was pooped and couldn't recover. Good workout.
Back squat 5 @ 65% – 5 @ 75% – AMRAP @ 85%
Shoulder Press 5 @ 65% – 5 @ 75% – AMRAP @ 85%
15 minute AMRAP:
10 Wall Balls 20/14 pounds
10 Toes to Bar
10 Box Jumps 24/20 inch
Squats were: 5x 295, 5x 345, 8x 395
Press: 5x115, 5x125, 4x135
Sucked it up on the MetCon. I started out fast - 2 rounds in under 2 minutes, with good kipping Toes To Bar. After that it went downhill. I officially recorded my score at 6 rounds plus 10. It might have been 7, but I think 6. I didn't start recording until round 3, and I'm just not sure if I crossed off just 1 and 2 at the end, or if I crossed off 1, 2 and 3. Either way, I was pooped and couldn't recover. Good workout.
Interesting workout at CrossFit 321, but it was fun.
It was like a group competition, and honestly, I'm not sure I can remember it all.
We started off in teams of 3, with 4 minutes on the clock, AMRAP burpees, one person working at a time, 30 seconds on, 60 off while the other two went. I got 3 rounds in at 16 burpees per round.
I think we next went to Sumo Deadlift High Pulls with a KettleBell, same concept. I again got 3 rounds in, this time with 16-18 high pulls per round.
Next we went to plate pushes, followed by bear crawls, followed by push-ups - that was an interesting and tiring combination. I got up to 56push-ups, but this was only 2 minutes. Lastly, we did 3 people on the rower, with everyone else doing squats. In the time we had, I rowed about 450m and did 186 squats.
We then rested for 4 minutes and did another game, similar set-up, but different exercises - but honestly it's all too foggy. I do remember sit-ups instead of squats during the rows at the end, but that's about it.
It was like a group competition, and honestly, I'm not sure I can remember it all.
We started off in teams of 3, with 4 minutes on the clock, AMRAP burpees, one person working at a time, 30 seconds on, 60 off while the other two went. I got 3 rounds in at 16 burpees per round.
I think we next went to Sumo Deadlift High Pulls with a KettleBell, same concept. I again got 3 rounds in, this time with 16-18 high pulls per round.
Next we went to plate pushes, followed by bear crawls, followed by push-ups - that was an interesting and tiring combination. I got up to 56push-ups, but this was only 2 minutes. Lastly, we did 3 people on the rower, with everyone else doing squats. In the time we had, I rowed about 450m and did 186 squats.
We then rested for 4 minutes and did another game, similar set-up, but different exercises - but honestly it's all too foggy. I do remember sit-ups instead of squats during the rows at the end, but that's about it.
Friday, March 30, 2012
3/30/2012 - Helen
CrossFit 321 this morning.
Bench Press 5 @ 40% – 5 @ 50% – 5 @ 60%
Ring dips 10-10-10 (weighted if possible)
3 rounds for time of.
Run 400 meters
21 Kettle Bell Swings 53/35
12 Pull-ups
For bench press - 120,150,180
Ring Dips were done BW only for the first 2 rounds, and then the last one was done with a 10# vest.
First time Helen. I knew it was going to be tough, because it's very similar to Claudia, which wrecked me for a week. I finished 3rd in the class today with 10:55. Gotta drop like 3 minutes to catch up with the average CrossFit competitors this year!
Bench Press 5 @ 40% – 5 @ 50% – 5 @ 60%
Ring dips 10-10-10 (weighted if possible)
3 rounds for time of.
Run 400 meters
21 Kettle Bell Swings 53/35
12 Pull-ups
For bench press - 120,150,180
Ring Dips were done BW only for the first 2 rounds, and then the last one was done with a 10# vest.
First time Helen. I knew it was going to be tough, because it's very similar to Claudia, which wrecked me for a week. I finished 3rd in the class today with 10:55. Gotta drop like 3 minutes to catch up with the average CrossFit competitors this year!
400m run,
Kettle bell Swings,
Ring Dips
Wednesday, March 28, 2012
Today I made it to the 7AM class. The WOD:
Shoulder Press 5 @ 40% – 5 @ 50% – 5 @ 60%
Ring rows 10-10-10 (weighted if possible)
15 min. AMRAP
Row 300 meters
10 push press 115/85
For the Press, I did 65, 85, 95.. nice and easy, I liked it :)
The Ring Rows I used a weighted vest - though I'm not sure how much, I'm thinking 20#.
The metcon was great. I managed to stay at the front of the pack, finishing 6 rounds, and completing the 300m row on the 7th round - as RX'd. Everyone in the 7AM class got 6 rounds - and everyone beat the 5AM class, so we were pretty stoked :D
Nothing wrong with some healthy competition! But the group definitely pushed me, I was just inches ahead the whole time.
Shoulder Press 5 @ 40% – 5 @ 50% – 5 @ 60%
Ring rows 10-10-10 (weighted if possible)
15 min. AMRAP
Row 300 meters
10 push press 115/85
For the Press, I did 65, 85, 95.. nice and easy, I liked it :)
The Ring Rows I used a weighted vest - though I'm not sure how much, I'm thinking 20#.
The metcon was great. I managed to stay at the front of the pack, finishing 6 rounds, and completing the 300m row on the 7th round - as RX'd. Everyone in the 7AM class got 6 rounds - and everyone beat the 5AM class, so we were pretty stoked :D
Nothing wrong with some healthy competition! But the group definitely pushed me, I was just inches ahead the whole time.
Today I missed the 6PM class and went at 7PM.
I didn't realize they typically only had the Women's class at 7.
As "Luck" would have it, it's competition season, and the competitors for the open/regionals were doing their workouts today - so I got to pick which group I wanted to be an outsider in :)
I think I chose incorrectly, because the competitors kicked my ass.
The WOD:
Run 400m
3 Rounds:
Deadlift x5
Hang Clean x5
Jerk x5
Run 400mm
2 Rounds:
Deadlift x5
Hang Clean x5
Jerk x5
Run 400m
1 Round:
Deadlift x5
Hang Clean x5
Jerk x5
100 Double Unders
It is as bad as it sounds, except, probably a little worse. I ended up using 115#, and probably could have gone lighter (how humbling CrossFit can be!).
All was said and done in about 23 minutes - I didn't completely catch my final time, as I was too delirious.
Before this we had done snatch work - something I definitely needed to do.
After was:
3 rounds
Turkish Get-Ups, 5 per arm; rest 45 seconds
20 toes to bar
I'm not going to lie, I only did one round. I started the TGU with my right arm with a 53# KB. I ended with my left hand with a 30# DB. Still iced from Friday - and still gassed from the WOD. Brutal!
I didn't realize they typically only had the Women's class at 7.
As "Luck" would have it, it's competition season, and the competitors for the open/regionals were doing their workouts today - so I got to pick which group I wanted to be an outsider in :)
I think I chose incorrectly, because the competitors kicked my ass.
The WOD:
Run 400m
3 Rounds:
Deadlift x5
Hang Clean x5
Jerk x5
Run 400mm
2 Rounds:
Deadlift x5
Hang Clean x5
Jerk x5
Run 400m
1 Round:
Deadlift x5
Hang Clean x5
Jerk x5
100 Double Unders
It is as bad as it sounds, except, probably a little worse. I ended up using 115#, and probably could have gone lighter (how humbling CrossFit can be!).
All was said and done in about 23 minutes - I didn't completely catch my final time, as I was too delirious.
Before this we had done snatch work - something I definitely needed to do.
After was:
3 rounds
Turkish Get-Ups, 5 per arm; rest 45 seconds
20 toes to bar
I'm not going to lie, I only did one round. I started the TGU with my right arm with a 53# KB. I ended with my left hand with a 30# DB. Still iced from Friday - and still gassed from the WOD. Brutal!
15 hours elapsed since my last workout at CrossFit 321 - and I'm sore. But, today is the free class, and I hadn't done that before, so I went.
The WOD was:
AMRAP 15 minutes
2 Squats
2 Sit-Ups
2 Burpees
4 Squats
4 Sit-ups
4 Burpees
Continue increasing by two each round until time is called.
I finished my round of 16, and then got 18 squats in before time was called. Total reps: 234.
Squats: 90
Sit-Ups: 72
Burpees: 72
This was a gasser - but really the pain came the next day, when dropping into burpees with already sore triceps killed them even more!
The WOD was:
AMRAP 15 minutes
2 Squats
2 Sit-Ups
2 Burpees
4 Squats
4 Sit-ups
4 Burpees
Continue increasing by two each round until time is called.
I finished my round of 16, and then got 18 squats in before time was called. Total reps: 234.
Squats: 90
Sit-Ups: 72
Burpees: 72
This was a gasser - but really the pain came the next day, when dropping into burpees with already sore triceps killed them even more!
So 10 days since Claudia. However, I did spend 5 of those days at 5000+ feet; mostly between 9000-12000 feet. I took a ski trip to Colorado, 2 days in Denver, with the rest in the mountains. I got to do some hiking and a lot of skiing, so I have not been slacking. I'll call it Low Oxygen training, since I was staying just around the corner from CrossFit Low Oxygen.
The WOD for 3/23/2012 at CrossFit 321 was:
5 rounds for time of
400 meter Run
5 Barbell Split Jerks 135/95
10 Ring Dips
15 push-ups
I was a little late, so I had to skip the strength workout. I finished in 22:32.
This was a workout. To illustrate just how much of a workout: on my APFT, I can do 90-100 push-ups in a minute, consistently. By the last round of 15 push-ups on this workout, I was doing sets of 3. Ring dips are killer, and especially after you have done Jerks with 135#, which fries your arms during the lockout (and push). I am writing this 5 days later, and my triceps still hurt!
The WOD for 3/23/2012 at CrossFit 321 was:
5 rounds for time of
400 meter Run
5 Barbell Split Jerks 135/95
10 Ring Dips
15 push-ups
I was a little late, so I had to skip the strength workout. I finished in 22:32.
This was a workout. To illustrate just how much of a workout: on my APFT, I can do 90-100 push-ups in a minute, consistently. By the last round of 15 push-ups on this workout, I was doing sets of 3. Ring dips are killer, and especially after you have done Jerks with 135#, which fries your arms during the lockout (and push). I am writing this 5 days later, and my triceps still hurt!
400m run,
Ring Dips,
Split Jerks
Tuesday, March 13, 2012
3/13/2012 - Claudia
I've been out for a few days, with a respiratory cold/sore throat, but back at it today.
Went to CrossFit 321 and did today's workout:
3-13-12 WOD
Deadlift 3 @ 70% – 3 @ 80% – AMRAP @ 90%
5 rounds for time of
20 Kettle bell Swings 53/35
400 meter Run
Let me just say, if you plan on really attacking Claudia for a PR time, don't do heavy deadlifts first. Probably a no-brainer, but thought I'd mention it.
Did this as Rx'd. For Deadlifts, went up to 415x7.
By the end of Claudia, my lower back and quads were burning. On the last round, my legs didn't want to lift off the ground and my back didn't want to support my torso, but I muscled through and finished in 19:32. Ouch!
Went to CrossFit 321 and did today's workout:
3-13-12 WOD
Deadlift 3 @ 70% – 3 @ 80% – AMRAP @ 90%
5 rounds for time of
20 Kettle bell Swings 53/35
400 meter Run
Let me just say, if you plan on really attacking Claudia for a PR time, don't do heavy deadlifts first. Probably a no-brainer, but thought I'd mention it.
Did this as Rx'd. For Deadlifts, went up to 415x7.
By the end of Claudia, my lower back and quads were burning. On the last round, my legs didn't want to lift off the ground and my back didn't want to support my torso, but I muscled through and finished in 19:32. Ouch!
Wednesday, March 7, 2012
March 7, 2012 - "Half Small"
Went to CrossFit 321 this morning:
3-7-12 WOD
Back Squat 5 @ 65% – 5 @ 75% – AMRAP @ 85%
3 rounds for time of
500 meter Row
25 Burpees
25 Box Jumps 24/20
400 meter run
For squats, worked my way up: 305x5, 355x5, 405x7
Then I got into the MetCon, which is a Half Small (1000m Row, 50 burpees, 50 box jump, 800m run).
This was even harder than it sounded - especially after heavy squats!
First row was right around 1:55, easy pace. Burpees were not unbroken, and box-jumps were even more broken still. The run seemed like a recovery. First round was just around 9 minutes, and I finished the whole ordeal in about 29:50.
3-7-12 WOD
Back Squat 5 @ 65% – 5 @ 75% – AMRAP @ 85%
3 rounds for time of
500 meter Row
25 Burpees
25 Box Jumps 24/20
400 meter run
For squats, worked my way up: 305x5, 355x5, 405x7
Then I got into the MetCon, which is a Half Small (1000m Row, 50 burpees, 50 box jump, 800m run).
This was even harder than it sounded - especially after heavy squats!
First row was right around 1:55, easy pace. Burpees were not unbroken, and box-jumps were even more broken still. The run seemed like a recovery. First round was just around 9 minutes, and I finished the whole ordeal in about 29:50.
400m run. sprinting,
Back Squats,
box jumps,
half small,
Monday, March 5, 2012
March 5, 2012
Crossfit321 for breakfast :)
3-5-12 WOD
Shoulder Press 5 @ 65% – 5 @ 75% – AMRAP 85%
Push Press 3-3-3
5 min AMRAP:
10 pull-ups
10 ring dips
Rest exactly 3 minutes, and then . . .
7 min AMRAP:
300 meter Row
30 Double-unders
10 Toes to bar
For my shoulder press I went: 115x5, 145x5, 175x1
Not sure if I didn't rest enough between sets, or if my shoulders were still shot from Friday - either way, this is far less than my usual 1RM (185#). Maybe I just need some more pressing work! Also just realizing my math was wrong - whoops.. I thought it had been 115x5, 135x5, 155x1 - but just realized I used 15# plates after the 35# plates... and re-did my math and found I was using 10# for my math.
Push press was done at 145, 145, 155.
For Met-Con 1 (C), I had the (so far) best performance of the day, getting through 4 rounds and 16 reps (10 pull-ups + 6 dips. For the pull-ups I used the fat bar, which I don't think is intended for pull-ups typically, but I want to work on my grip for DeadLifts, to eliminate that as my failure point for my 1RM. I was a little weary at first, as this was my first pull-up workout since I strained my bicep a week and a half ago (did I mention that?). But there were no worries needed, it held up just fine, and no pain several hours later.
For Met Con 2 (D) I didn't have quite the same success; being the only one doing double-unders (30) instead of 90 single unders. I was a little slow, as my double-unders were neither pretty nor efficient. I ended up only completing 1 round, and getting through about 24 double unders in the second round, where everyone else was just moving into the 3rd round. Granted, we also had lots of people scaling the TTB as well as the double unders. Either way, my performance was among the worst of the day so far.
Good news is, I just recently purchased my own speed rope, so hopefully I will be getting better there - maybe I should bring my own next time, as the one I was using was rather badly kinked up, and may have contributed somewhat.
3-5-12 WOD
Shoulder Press 5 @ 65% – 5 @ 75% – AMRAP 85%
Push Press 3-3-3
5 min AMRAP:
10 pull-ups
10 ring dips
Rest exactly 3 minutes, and then . . .
7 min AMRAP:
300 meter Row
30 Double-unders
10 Toes to bar
For my shoulder press I went: 115x5, 145x5, 175x1
Not sure if I didn't rest enough between sets, or if my shoulders were still shot from Friday - either way, this is far less than my usual 1RM (185#). Maybe I just need some more pressing work! Also just realizing my math was wrong - whoops.. I thought it had been 115x5, 135x5, 155x1 - but just realized I used 15# plates after the 35# plates... and re-did my math and found I was using 10# for my math.
Push press was done at 145, 145, 155.
For Met-Con 1 (C), I had the (so far) best performance of the day, getting through 4 rounds and 16 reps (10 pull-ups + 6 dips. For the pull-ups I used the fat bar, which I don't think is intended for pull-ups typically, but I want to work on my grip for DeadLifts, to eliminate that as my failure point for my 1RM. I was a little weary at first, as this was my first pull-up workout since I strained my bicep a week and a half ago (did I mention that?). But there were no worries needed, it held up just fine, and no pain several hours later.
For Met Con 2 (D) I didn't have quite the same success; being the only one doing double-unders (30) instead of 90 single unders. I was a little slow, as my double-unders were neither pretty nor efficient. I ended up only completing 1 round, and getting through about 24 double unders in the second round, where everyone else was just moving into the 3rd round. Granted, we also had lots of people scaling the TTB as well as the double unders. Either way, my performance was among the worst of the day so far.
Good news is, I just recently purchased my own speed rope, so hopefully I will be getting better there - maybe I should bring my own next time, as the one I was using was rather badly kinked up, and may have contributed somewhat.
military press,
Push press,
Ring Dips,
shoulder press,
Toes To bar
Saturday, March 3, 2012
March 2, 2012 - CrossFit 321
Went into CrossFit 321 ( and signed up for a monthly membership.
Warm-Up (I did 500m row, some ring dips, pull-ups, shoulder dislocates, Samson Stretch, then some foam rolls)
Squats 5@65%, 5@75%, AMRAP@85%
This looked a little daunting, having done squats the day before, but luckily I only went up to 315x5 :). I used 475# for my calculations, being that this is the most I have done for one rep, so my weights were 305#, 355#, and 405#. My strength ended up looking like this:
305x5, 355x5, 405x9
This is by far the most reps I have done with this type of weight on my back - and actually, the 1RM calculators out there suggest that my max for squat might actually be 515-525#. This is exciting, because this means if I can cut to 175# without losing strength, I can get a 300% body weight squat - but that's 20# away, and it's unlikely that I will maintain my strength.
For the metcon we did:
10 rounds, every minute on the minute:
95# push press x5
20# wall ball x10
I ended up making it 8 rounds, in the 9th I only got through 5 wall-balls.
This workout left me sore - having done squats the day before, and more today; then with deadlifts/double unders yesterday; with push press + wall ball today - my legs and shoulders/upper back are pretty shot!
Now it's time for a weekend of rest, and back to the gym on Monday.
Warm-Up (I did 500m row, some ring dips, pull-ups, shoulder dislocates, Samson Stretch, then some foam rolls)
Squats 5@65%, 5@75%, AMRAP@85%
This looked a little daunting, having done squats the day before, but luckily I only went up to 315x5 :). I used 475# for my calculations, being that this is the most I have done for one rep, so my weights were 305#, 355#, and 405#. My strength ended up looking like this:
305x5, 355x5, 405x9
This is by far the most reps I have done with this type of weight on my back - and actually, the 1RM calculators out there suggest that my max for squat might actually be 515-525#. This is exciting, because this means if I can cut to 175# without losing strength, I can get a 300% body weight squat - but that's 20# away, and it's unlikely that I will maintain my strength.
For the metcon we did:
10 rounds, every minute on the minute:
95# push press x5
20# wall ball x10
I ended up making it 8 rounds, in the 9th I only got through 5 wall-balls.
This workout left me sore - having done squats the day before, and more today; then with deadlifts/double unders yesterday; with push press + wall ball today - my legs and shoulders/upper back are pretty shot!
Now it's time for a weekend of rest, and back to the gym on Monday.
March 1, 2012 - New Format
So my new format for workouts comes from my gym - CrossFit 321 ( I'm trying to use the same format for my own workouts:
The warm-up for March 1 was:
1000m row (3:55)
10 Over-Head Squats (OHS) w/ 45# bar
10 Hand Release Push-Ups
3 pistols per leg
For my strength, I made it a squat day, 4 sets of 5 reps:
135#, 225#, 275#, 315#
These were all "ass-to-grass" variety, meaning, I went down as low as I could, basically to where your butt is in-line with your ankles. I don't go this low with my heaviest lifts - for those I go just below parallel, but with my lighter weights I try to go as low as possible, so that as my max weight improves, I can do my previous maxes with this type of depth.
I would typically do (for MadCow) 5x5 starting at 225#, and working up to, e.g. 435# (on my last workout) - but although I have had some great success, I am breaking from that format in favor of a metcon based workout, as that is my current weakness.
My metcon was as follows:
21 Double Unders
21 DeadLifts (225#)
3/4 mile run
15 Double Unders
15 DeadLifts (225#)
1/2 mile run
9 Double Unders
9 DeadLifts (225#)
1/4 mile run
I don't have my times currently, but the first round was ~9 minutes even, and the second was pretty close to the same. My full time ended up being just over 23 minutes, right in the range of 5 minutes. This workout was pretty brutal. I ended up spending 1 minute just trying to get air back into my lungs at one point. I went pretty aggressively - my 3/4 mile (all treadmill, btw) was 5:55. My 1/2 mile was 3:55, and my 1/4 mile was about 1:37.
I'll definitely do this again. I dub this workout "Nasty Nate", not to be confused to the CrossFit hero "Nate" workout.
The warm-up for March 1 was:
1000m row (3:55)
10 Over-Head Squats (OHS) w/ 45# bar
10 Hand Release Push-Ups
3 pistols per leg
For my strength, I made it a squat day, 4 sets of 5 reps:
135#, 225#, 275#, 315#
These were all "ass-to-grass" variety, meaning, I went down as low as I could, basically to where your butt is in-line with your ankles. I don't go this low with my heaviest lifts - for those I go just below parallel, but with my lighter weights I try to go as low as possible, so that as my max weight improves, I can do my previous maxes with this type of depth.
I would typically do (for MadCow) 5x5 starting at 225#, and working up to, e.g. 435# (on my last workout) - but although I have had some great success, I am breaking from that format in favor of a metcon based workout, as that is my current weakness.
My metcon was as follows:
21 Double Unders
21 DeadLifts (225#)
3/4 mile run
15 Double Unders
15 DeadLifts (225#)
1/2 mile run
9 Double Unders
9 DeadLifts (225#)
1/4 mile run
I don't have my times currently, but the first round was ~9 minutes even, and the second was pretty close to the same. My full time ended up being just over 23 minutes, right in the range of 5 minutes. This workout was pretty brutal. I ended up spending 1 minute just trying to get air back into my lungs at one point. I went pretty aggressively - my 3/4 mile (all treadmill, btw) was 5:55. My 1/2 mile was 3:55, and my 1/4 mile was about 1:37.
I'll definitely do this again. I dub this workout "Nasty Nate", not to be confused to the CrossFit hero "Nate" workout.
Alright, so I lied. I haven't made any posts in nearly a year and a half now.
Now that the bad news is over, the good news is, one of my goals has been met in this time - I have achieved a 300# Bench Press.
Unfortunately I have not also hit the 300 APFT Score (just yet). In October my score was 295, with my missing points on the sit-ups. I've decided to target abs pretty substantially, and since then, I have started doing the P90X ab-ripper X routine to increase my abdominal endurance, to hopefully increase my sit-up score on the APFT. However, since then I have also put off my running, and before my next APFT test, I think I need to do some work there. I actually have 2 300 goals to work toward right now.
#1 300 APFT Score
#2 300% bodyweight squat
I think these goals will actually work out well together, more on that soon.
So what have I been doing? Well, largely, StrongLifts 5x5 ( although, once I realized I was already doing well above what I should be for this program (I used it as an opportunity to really work on my from), I have since switched to Madcow 5x5 ( I got some really good results of this, including increasing my Bench Press to 300+ (I know I can do 300, but I'm not sure how much more). Based on last week's workout where I benched 275 for 4 reps, theoretically I have hit 305-309.
Anyway, now that I've updated I'll post my last two workouts.
Now that the bad news is over, the good news is, one of my goals has been met in this time - I have achieved a 300# Bench Press.
Unfortunately I have not also hit the 300 APFT Score (just yet). In October my score was 295, with my missing points on the sit-ups. I've decided to target abs pretty substantially, and since then, I have started doing the P90X ab-ripper X routine to increase my abdominal endurance, to hopefully increase my sit-up score on the APFT. However, since then I have also put off my running, and before my next APFT test, I think I need to do some work there. I actually have 2 300 goals to work toward right now.
#1 300 APFT Score
#2 300% bodyweight squat
I think these goals will actually work out well together, more on that soon.
So what have I been doing? Well, largely, StrongLifts 5x5 ( although, once I realized I was already doing well above what I should be for this program (I used it as an opportunity to really work on my from), I have since switched to Madcow 5x5 ( I got some really good results of this, including increasing my Bench Press to 300+ (I know I can do 300, but I'm not sure how much more). Based on last week's workout where I benched 275 for 4 reps, theoretically I have hit 305-309.
Anyway, now that I've updated I'll post my last two workouts.
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