Wednesday, March 28, 2012


So 10 days since Claudia. However, I did spend 5 of those days at 5000+ feet; mostly between 9000-12000 feet. I took a ski trip to Colorado, 2 days in Denver, with the rest in the mountains. I got to do some hiking and a lot of skiing, so I have not been slacking. I'll call it Low Oxygen training, since I was staying just around the corner from CrossFit Low Oxygen.

The WOD for 3/23/2012 at CrossFit 321 was:

5 rounds for time of
400 meter Run
5 Barbell Split Jerks 135/95
10 Ring Dips
15 push-ups

I was a little late, so I had to skip the strength workout. I finished in 22:32.
This was a workout. To illustrate just how much of a workout: on my APFT, I can do 90-100 push-ups in a minute, consistently. By the last round of 15 push-ups on this workout, I was doing sets of 3. Ring dips are killer, and especially after you have done Jerks with 135#, which fries your arms during the lockout (and push). I am writing this 5 days later, and my triceps still hurt!

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