Wednesday, April 11, 2012


4-11-12 WOD

Back squat 3 @ 70% – 3 @ 80% – AMRAP @ 90%

Front squat 5-5-5
*attempt 5-10% heavier than last weeks front squat if possible

20 min. AMRAP
500 meter Row
Front squat 135/95 pounds, 10 reps(no racks if rx)

Back squat - 3@300, 3@340, 7@385#
Looks like my squat is going down (though, maybe my legs are just still tired!), as last time I did 405, I hit 7 reps. Perhaps it was the depth of my squats though, which I made sure was very deep.

Front Squat: 5@135, 5@185, 5@245

I moved into the MetCon pretty confident. I was really hoping for 8 rounds - but looking at the board, the highest score was 6 rounds + finished the row.

I kept my first row at about a 1:55 - I figured 7 rounds @ 2:00 is 14 minutes, so that gives me 6 minutes for 70 front squats. I moved into the squats, and finished all 10 unbroken. Got back to my rower, and kept up the pace pretty well - basically a repeat of round 1. Round 3, when I got off the rower, I had about 11:50 left on the clock - so I was basically just ahead of pace for 6 rounds (definitely not hitting 8!), but the squats were still unbroken. Round 4 I started slowing down, I think my row slowed to about a 2:00-2:05, but squats were still unbroken (insofar as I didn't put the bar down - I had some brief pauses in the rack position). Round 5, was about 2:05 on the row - but still unbroken on the front squats with some struggle. I started round 6 with 4 minutes on the clock, finishing in 2:10 and having only 1:50 on the clock. This time I did not go unbroken on my squats - I finished the first 5 before there was only 1 minute left, and managed to muscle 2 more out, but then I had to put the bar down and rest. I managed to finish off the last 3 with 20 seconds left, and managed to pull out about 40 meters before my time was up - I didn't bother strapping my feet in, I just rowed.

This was the second best (Rx'd) performance of the day, so I was pretty psyched :)

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