Wednesday, April 11, 2012


4-9-12 WOD

Dead-lift 3 @ 70% – 3 @ 80% – AMRAP @ 90%

MetCon for time:
120 Double-unders
100 Air squats
80 Sit-ups
60 Box jumps 24/20
40 Kettle bell swings 53/35
20 Thrusters 95/65

It turns out my Dead-Lift may be much higher than it was - despite that I haven't really been dead-lifting. The last time I did a dead-lift au naturale (no belt, no straps/hooks, etc.) I pulled 435# - though I think I pulled it for 2 reps. Otherwise, the most I have pulled WITH hooks is 465#. So, I calculated my reps based on 455#.

3@285, 3@325, AMRAP@375# My calculation on that last set was actually 368 - I had rounded to 370 - but when I got to my last set, there were no 2.5# plates to be found, so I figured "Okay, I'll round up and go heavy today." Apparently not.

After grunting my way to the end of my set, I put the bar down in a controlled manner (despite what some people think, CrossFitters don't always drop the bar!). The trainer asked me "How many was that Nate?", to which I replied "14".


"You didn't use enough weight, how much was that?"
2x =-O

"Let me look at the chart.. wait, it doesn't go that high"
Long story short, it turns out I should be pulling upward of 530# based on that.. though that depends on the calculator you use, some favor high reps more (one calculator suggests 585# for a max). I personally think 5-8 reps is the best to use for this calculation, 4 being too low, and some calculators go artificially high with higher reps.

Long story short, it seems my dead-lift has gone up - can't wait to test this out soon.

So, legs like Jello from 14 heavy dead-lifts, I moved into the torturous workout. I started out pretty good on the double-unders, which I finished in about 3 minutes. I was doing about sets of 20 at a time before messing it up, for the first half - then it got messy from there. I moved into squats not near the front of the pack (actually, quite close to the back). These hurt - 10 in the first set and my legs were burning. I eventually made it through, and moved on to sit-ups. I made it through these without much in the way of stopping, so this was more or less a nice "rest". Box jumps were not so much of a rest. 60 box jumps in a row? I remember when 50 was an achievement fresh.. but 60 after dead-lifts, and squats, and winded from double unders? Ouch. I made it through 10 before my lungs lit on fire, pretty much literally.. but I fought through. Kettlebells weren't any nicer by any means. I think I got 12 in before stopping, and then got 8 more to finish the first 20. After that was a bit slower, and I think my last set I barely pulled out 3 to finish off.

Thrusters were the worst though. This was actually mostly due to my elbow, which didn't feel good (thinking there was some tendinitis flare up the day before, as my joints were really inflamed). I got through like 5 before my elbow protested. I gave it some rest, and 6 or so sets later, I finished up, exhausted.

Final time was (I think) 24:08.

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