Monday, March 5, 2012

March 5, 2012

Crossfit321 for breakfast :)

3-5-12 WOD

Shoulder Press 5 @ 65% – 5 @ 75% – AMRAP 85%

Push Press 3-3-3

5 min AMRAP:
10 pull-ups
10 ring dips

Rest exactly 3 minutes, and then . . .

7 min AMRAP:
300 meter Row
30 Double-unders
10 Toes to bar

For my shoulder press I went: 115x5, 145x5, 175x1
Not sure if I didn't rest enough between sets, or if my shoulders were still shot from Friday - either way, this is far less than my usual 1RM (185#). Maybe I just need some more pressing work! Also just realizing my math was wrong - whoops.. I thought it had been 115x5, 135x5, 155x1 - but just realized I used 15# plates after the 35# plates... and re-did my math and found I was using 10# for my math.

Push press was done at 145, 145, 155.

For Met-Con 1 (C), I had the (so far) best performance of the day, getting through 4 rounds and 16 reps (10 pull-ups + 6 dips. For the pull-ups I used the fat bar, which I don't think is intended for pull-ups typically, but I want to work on my grip for DeadLifts, to eliminate that as my failure point for my 1RM. I was a little weary at first, as this was my first pull-up workout since I strained my bicep a week and a half ago (did I mention that?). But there were no worries needed, it held up just fine, and no pain several hours later.

For Met Con 2 (D) I didn't have quite the same success; being the only one doing double-unders (30) instead of 90 single unders. I was a little slow, as my double-unders were neither pretty nor efficient. I ended up only completing 1 round, and getting through about 24 double unders in the second round, where everyone else was just moving into the 3rd round. Granted, we also had lots of people scaling the TTB as well as the double unders. Either way, my performance was among the worst of the day so far.

Good news is, I just recently purchased my own speed rope, so hopefully I will be getting better there - maybe I should bring my own next time, as the one I was using was rather badly kinked up, and may have contributed somewhat.

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