Wednesday, October 7, 2009

300 - Day 72

I did two workouts today - the CF main site WOD and the CFE WOD.

I came in early after seeing the two short workouts posted last night so I could do the CF workout this morning and to the CFE during lunch.

I warmed up with:
500m Row (2:28)
30 anchored sit-ups (explosive and fast!)
30 push-ups
15 squats
5 pull-ups
5 dips

I then moved into the WOD - Thrusters 1-1-1-1-1-1-1

I started out nice and easy at 95# and moved up liberally:

I did an extra rep at the end because the 160 was an accident. I had 45# and 10# plates loaded for the 155 and went to switch into 170 by adding a 5# and a 2.5# to each side.

Well, on the left side I accidentally unloaded the 10# plate first - so the weight was a little unven, causing me to fail the first time. I noticed that it felt off - but didn't heed my judgement. I just tried again with success. Once I put the bar back on the rack, I realized what was wrong!

The 170 felt good, but I didn't want to jump directly to 200, which is what I was aiming for today - so I decided to add the extra rep and knock out a 185 interim rep - which is probably a good thing, as I ended up decided between trying 190 or 195 (went for the 195 and failed) - but that gives me a lower failure to try to acheive for next time.

The CFE workout was a tabata treadmill run. This was my first tabata, which consists of 8 rounds of 20:10 (20 seconds work, 10 seconds rest). To do this run, you take your best 5K pace and add 30 seconds to the pace, run at that speed with the treadmill set at a 12% incline.

Being a fool and underestimating the workout, I used my best high school 5K time of 18:00 and set the treadmill for a 6:30 pace. I knew after 2 reps it was a mistake. After the 3rd rep, I had to slow it down. Again after the 4th, and 5th (resting 20 seconds after #5!) and finally stopping after the 6th rep when my pace was down to about 7:20. This was a seriously intense workout. I'll try this again in the future with a more conservative pace - probably more along the line of my current 5K pace, which is probably around 7-7:30/mile. I think I'll try a 7:30 pace.

Before this workout I warmed up with:
1/2 mile run (5:04)
5 pull-ups
30 sit-ups (again explosive)
20 push-ups
20 squats
5 dips
20 KB swings (30#)

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