Monday, October 5, 2009

300 - Day 70 - Muscle Ups?

Today's workout was 30 muscle-ups for time - or 120 pull-ups and 120 dips in any order.

I haven't done a muscle up before, but I figured I would try and if I could do any, I would just subtract 4 of each of the other exercises for each muscle up, and then finish the rest of the reps on pull-ups and dips.

But this didn't happen. It turns out that the bar at work (yeah - a bar, no rings!) was too close to the ceiling, so even if I could have done a muscle up, it wouldn't have been there. Next, the way the bars are set up was also not conducive to muscle ups - one set of 4-5" neutral grip bars, inconveniently spaced and a set of wide-grip, angled bar that only sticks out about 2-3 inches off the supporting bar.

So I had to opt for the pull-ups and dips.

I warmed up with a 1/2 mile run on the treadmill (5 mins even) followed by 15 GHD sit-ups, 20 push-ups and 20 squats.

I used more strategy in this than I usually have been. I started out doing sets of 10 for the first 4 sets of each. Then, I felt like I needed to drop down to 5, so I did. I did sets of 5 for quite a while. I ended up breaking this workout up a little bit - I had brought my KB in to work, because a co-worker had asked about them - and he happened to show up to the gym when I was about 80 reps of each in. So I showed him some basic KB moves while "resting" and then got back into my routine while he tried them out. I don't know how much time this took up, but it was probably a few minutes. Enough that my muscles were rested enough (when I hit 95 reps) that I was able to knock out a set of 15 and a set of 10 to finish up.

Even with the distraction, I finished at about 23 minutes - I didn't have my stop watch with me, so I was watching the wall clock. In the gym at work, the dip bars are also quite a way away from the pull-up bar, so I spent a lot of time walking too.

I'd like to do this again, re-positioning things and without distractions. I think I can do much better.

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