Friday, July 30, 2010

Update: New Challenge

So its been a while since I have posted, but I have not been slacking off, I promise.
In my time away, I have increased my Cindy score to 24 rounds, upped my bench (not sure exactly what to), upped my squat to 415, lowered my Fran time to 4:51, etc.

I've also been working on my skill work pretty substantially, as shown by my straddle planche practice at the beach:

So I was thinking recently about not having posted in a long while - laregely because my 300 challenge is over; I decided - "Why not keep it going?"

I already have the layout and etc. so I can continue using this 300 theme for other things. 2 new goals on my list:

300# Bench Press
300 score on my APFT (Army Physical Fitness Test), which would consist of 75 push-ups in 2 minutes, 82 sit-ups in 2 minutes and a 13:00 2 mile run.

I am challenging myself by using the principles of CrossFit for the majoirty of my workouts, but trying to use it to increase my capability in running, Bench Press, sit-ups and push-ups. I am allowing myself 1 regular chest workout that you would find in any gym per week - that is, flat bench, flys, cable crossovers, incline bench, dumbell bench, etc. Otherwise, each workout I do can be found in a CrossFit gym.

I believe I have until October to get my APFT score to 300, and I believe I am very close on the Bench Press - I have recently put up a set of 3 repetitions on 265 - so I believe I could probably do 275 or 280 as a 1 rep max, so the 300# should be fairly attainable.

I will probably not post quite as much as before, but enough to show my progress, hopefully.

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